Delivery 送貨
Free delivery if orders over $1200 (per delivery address)
客戶購物滿$1200,即可享有免費送貨服務 (一個地址)
If orders are placed before 4:00pm (Mon to Fri) or 12:00nn (Sat), it could be processed on the next delivery day 1:00pm to 6:00pm.
如客人於星期一至五下午4時前 或 星期六中午12時前落單, 可安排於下一個送貨日的下午1時至6時送貨。
Remarks 備註
Tung Chung and Airpirt additional charge $350
東涌 & 機場 另加收附加費$350
If the address no elevator service is available for premises, please inform us in advance. We will charge a delivery fee of HK$15 per storey per case.
When inclement weather conditions occurred, such as thunderstorms, typhoons hoisted, black rainstorm warning beginning or cause traffic delays due to weather. Delivery service may be paused and the delivery time will be arranged.
Complaints, Breakages & Losses貨品破損及遺失處理
If a bottle of wine is considered to be faulty, please notify us immediately and it should be returned at once for our examination within 2 working days. No complaint will be entertained unless this condition is observed. Customers are requested to examine the goods at the time of delivery and please advise us as soon as possible of any deficiencies and/or breakages.
*We reserves the right to interpret and terms and conditions of this service is amended. The above prices are subject to change or there is any dispute. The final decision based on the company.